CheckYourList is an Open Startup

I will be sharing downloads, revenue, traffic and as much data as I can on this page.

  • Total Downloads: 7252
  • Total Revenue: USD $1977.50

Revenue & Downloads

Github Commits

Swalden's Github chart


WIP is a community of makers publicly sharing their progress. These are all my completed tasks. I share daily everything I do. To see more, check out Work In Progress..

Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
Customer support #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
Customer Support #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
apply for some wwdc23 labs #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
Fix SwiftLint warning in xcode #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
Fix issue preventing macOS version from launching if app group exists #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
Stop apple ads as not converting well enough #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
Fix issue with duplicate sitemaps on site #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
Start adding sharing with new flattened groups #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
Write migrations for new core data model #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
Write unit tests for cloning checklists and groups #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
FInish flattening groups to get ready to implement sharing #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
Fix adding checklists to groups when inside a group #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
Fix failing unit tests for groups refactor #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
FIx unit tests and code to ensure flattening core data relationship for groups is working #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
Flatten Groups/Checklists relationship to use an array rather then Core Data relationships to get ready for zone sharing #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
Upgrade website to gatsbyjs5 #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
Make homepage nav better #checkyourlist
todo attachment
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
Work on redesign of cyl homepage #checkyourlist
todo attachment
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
Move from using React Helmet for Seo and use default GatsbyJS #checkyourlist
Swalden twitter profile pic
Spencer Walden
#checkyourlist Move randomising checklists in library function to a graphql query to have client and server side html in sync.